2020. 2. 17. 13:52ㆍ카테고리 없음
The following points contributed to the rise of totalitarianism in Europe between 1929-39: The humiliating treatment meted out to Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. It created a sense of hate and revenge among the Germans. The Treaty had mutilated Germany phisically, It humiliated her emotionally, It suffocated her economically and encircled her territorially. This has greatly offended the sense of nation of this state. Furthermore the W eimar republic estabished after the First W orld Wa r didn't succeded to improve the bad situation in Germany, and It was also severely affected by the Great Depression (1929).
Hitler fully exploited these sentiments to establish his dictatorship in German. S e c o n d l y, t h e T r e a t y o f V er sa il le s gr ea tl y di sa pp oi nt ed It al y. Th ou gh sh e fo ug ht on th e side of the winners, She couldn't get whatever had been promised to he r du ri ng th e wa r.
In fa ct th e it al ia n st at e di dn 't ob ta in as th e al li es sa id, so me te rr it or y in th e D a l m a t i a n p e n i n s u l a. ( I n particulary, the president of United S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a, T h o m a s W oo dr ow W il so n, di dn 't al lo w Italy to annex these territories). The other hand Italy had to face poverty, discontent and general disord er. In these years (1921), was founded by Benito Mussolini the Fascist National Party. The Italian leaders felt that though They had won the war, They lost the peace. Naturally, the Italians were in the look out for a man who could help them to achieve their national ambitions, and they found in Benito Mussolini the right person to did this. This cli mat e of unc ert ain ty per mit ted him to est abl ish his tot al ita ria n re gin e in Ita ly.
In addiction, we have to say that he didn' obtain the consensus only for these reasons, but also for his personality and his character. Like the italian writer Elsa Morante asserts in one of her diary page dated the 1st May 1945 (The day of Mussolini's shooting): the italian people are guilty of the establishment of this regime, in fact a lot of them promote, and encourage the leader of the Fascist Party. Moreover, He obtain a large consensus because he reflects the italian people, in particular his mediocrity, his ignorance and his vulgarity were some characteristics common to many italians. In addition to the particular cause which helped the growth of totalitarian regimes in various countries, there were some general ca uses which also c ontributed to the ri se of dictatorships: In the first place, the democratic governments established after the First World War proved a miserable failure in so far as they failed to solve the social, economic and political problems facing their countries in the post-war period.
Their failure was fully exploited to establish dictatorial regimes. Finally, the failure of the League of Nations to check agg re ssi on and pr ese rve wor ld pea ce als o gr eat ly contributed to the rise of totalitarian regimes. Japan, It al y, Ge rm an y et c. Co mm it te d ag gr es si on wi th impunity and the League of Nations failed to take any action against them.
Warfare meant that Germany could not import or export industrial goods and to have severely limited trade. Resources and food were diverted to the war. As a result of the war, by 1919 Germany was no longer the second most economically advanced nation in the world. The terms of the Treaty of V e r s a i l l e s o r d e r e d t h a t G e r m a n y h a d t o p a y h u g e su m s in r e pa ra t io ns to th e Al li es.
Milleduemila Un Mondo Al Plurale 1 Pdf
In 19 21, as Ge rm an y c ou l d no t pa y, Fr en ch an d Be lg ia n tr oo ps in va de d an d oc cu pi e d t he Ru h r to ta ke goods and raw materials. During 1923 Germany printed more money to pay striking workers. Hyperinflation resulted, wiping out the value of savings.